IEC61508 Introduction (DE0101)
Process and Machinery Industry
Monday, 01 July 2024 10:00 - 17:00
Prof.-Messerschmitt-Straße 1, 85579 Neubiberg, Germany
Stephan Aschenbrenner
Type of training
Online or by presence
Introduction to IEC61508: Functional Safety of E/E/PE Safety-Related Systems
Who should attend:
- Development Engineers (System, Hardware and Software)
- Product Managers
- Project Leaders of safety related development projects
- Managers responsible for establishing of work processes
- Quality managers
Agenda and Contents:
- Functional Safety general overview
- Relevant standards
- E/E/PE Functional Safety Lifecycle according to 61508
- What is required to achive a certain Safety Integrity Level (SIL)?
- Ralationship between the manufacturer (IEC 61508) and the end-users (IEC 61511)
- Sistematic and random faults
- Sytem, Hardware (incl. Mechanics) and Software design and developments
- Safety Manual
For more details about the course topics, download the brochure on the top of the page
Duration: 1 day (or in-house, jointly agreed, please contact us for more information)
Language: can be chosen between English or German, training material will be in English.
Location: GmbH office, Prof. - Messerschmitt-Straße 1 - 85579, Neubiberg / Germany
Certificate: each participant gets a letter of attendance.